Sunday, June 12, 2011

Riding off into the sunset...not quite!

I discovered the most challenging thing about parenting today...much more difficult than trying to take a bottle away from your baby; more difficult than potty training; more difficult than trying to get a teenager to clean their room...the thing that is worse than that, in my mind the worst day in the world of parenting: teaching a seven year old how to ride a two-wheeler!

I had high hopes this learning experience, in fact I thought it might be kind of fun to see him ride off on two wheels, me standing back with a tear in my eye...blah, blah, blah!  It is a good thing that we were in a public place and I had my good friend Deanna with me, or I might have actually beat him with the tree branch that I had threatened him with!  I know it's not his fault that he doesn't know how to ride on two wheels, but the fact that he was bawling his eyes out yelling "why do you want to kill me" over and over didn't help the situation any - and just so you know, I never threatened death...just the tree branch.  I did tell him that his friends in grade two next year might make fun of him though and that his three year old brother will be riding a two-wheeler sooner than him (and I know those things don't help, but in the heat of the moment I couldn't help myself).  I don't know if there has ever been anything that has been as frustrating to try to teach my, yes, skating would make it to the top of that list too...and I honestly don't remember how Natalie ever picked up the skill, because it seems to me I would have been the one to have taught her, but she can ride a bike like a pro now! 

I am sure he will ride a two-wheeler someday - mostly because I don't think they make training wheels for 20 inch bikes.  In the meantime, Grace wants to learn to ride a two-wheeler when she turns 6, which is in 8 short days!  Lord help me!


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