Friday, January 14, 2011

Good Bad Day!

Well I have not had the best day terms of eating that is; I had a day off today, went for lunch with my husband, went shopping, watched Dr. Phil & Oprah, so in terms of the day itself, it has been great!!  It started off good with my healthy breakfast but then lunch came and I went to a restaurant and ordered the steak sandwich with fries - and of course it comes with garlic toast - and I ate almost all of it!  I did consider ordering a salad too (ceasar of course) but then decided it would only add calories to my already ridiculously high calorie meal, so I skipped it!  I decided when I got home I would have just four Toffifee - can you even believe that I still have some left - plus a brownie and muffin.  I just made myself a grilled cheese sandwich and I am drinking my iced tea as I type, so like I said it's not that great of a day for eating!  It just happens to be that very special time in my month, so perhaps that is why I am feeling the need to eat everything in sight...or maybe it's just because it's Friday!

I also went to have my blood taken to have my Thyroid checked again - they will do this every three months for the next year - and I am guessing that they will call me next week and tell me that it is low.  I have been so tired I would guess I was pregnant if I didn't know better!!  Speaking of being tired, let me tell you about my day yesterday...FIVE little boys THREE years and under!!!  I love kids, love having kids, love having a day home, but there are some things that really are best on a casual basis...that is one of them!  The fact that I didn't lose even one ounce yesterday after chasing that many boys around my house all day long and eating like a champ makes me believe that my thryroid is just a little out of wack!  Just as a point of interest, not one of those five boys is potty trained yet!!  You can just imagine all the diapers I donated to the land fills in one day!!

Tomorrow is a very exciting day for me as I am taking my oldest daughter to look for a Grad dress!!  Perhaps I will burn off my Tim Hortons from breakfast by walking around West Edmonton Mall all day!!  The only problem with going to the city for a day is that there is food everywhere you turn and for some reason I can't turn down a nice restaurant at the end of a shopping day...and I can never seem to just order a salad at that nice restaurant, nor can I skip dessert!  I will get back to my diet on Sunday.


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