Monday, April 11, 2011

The Thick and Thin of it!

We've all heard women say that no matter how their body changes sizes (and shopping is no longer fun, but more of a chore), they can still by shoes because they never change in size...well, that is not true for me!!  I would rather go to a store and try to squeeze my buns into a size 14 than go shoe shopping.  My feet have changed size!  It is a well known fact to my closest relatives and friends that I have wide, thick, flat feet!!  I have no problem with the size itself, as that is only a 8.5, one of the most common sizes around, what I have a problem with is the width and the depth.  I am sure most of the young kids working in the shoe stores these days don't ever take a persons foot depth into consideration when helping them find shoes.  I have wasted a lot of money on a lot of shoes - including my fabulous Jimmy Choo's (though I bought them on Ebay, so it's not like I really paid a lot) - that seemed to fit for the 45 seconds I had them on in the store.  Once I take them home with me, spray them with a protector and put them on for a day on the town that I realize after about two isles at the grocery store - these are just not going to work.  My toes start to rub in all the wrong places, the shoe begins to dig into the top of my foot and I come home with sore feet and red blisters.  I can't stand the thought of wearing uncomforatble shoes, however there are two problems when it comes to wide, thick feet:

1.  Wide, thick shoes don't come cheap!
2.  It is not easy to find wide shoes (unless you are over the age of 87 or work in a hospital).

This leads me to my trip to the Lloyd Mall a few days ago.  They have a store named "Quarks", where they carry high end brands which have price tags that can make you laugh out loud if you haven't already hit the floor.  Here I find myself searching for the perfect pair of shoes for these two un-perfect feet of mine!  I looked at all the shoes, trying to decide just which shoes will be the most versatile for me (since I am only going to be able to afford one pair) and once I have it narrowed down to about six pairs, I ask the question that is always on my mind while I shoe shop: : "Do you have these in Wide"?  The asnwer is a big fat NO...almost as fat as my own feet!!  Okay, so lets go with plan B, what shoes do you have in Wide?  I ask.  She picks up the one and only pair that they carry in a wide width....and they are the exact same pair that I already have on my feet!  Of course they are, this is exactly the store I bought these wide shoes that I wear every single day, with every single thing!  I asked her to bring out the size that I needed, this time in black though since the ones I already have are brown.  I am not sure why I even bothered to try them on...but I did and of course they fit.  I was determined to find one pair of "cute" shoes before I left that store!  I tried a couple pairs of regular width shoes, but of course I knew right away they were not going to work.  Finally I found a pair of Hush Puppies (I can just see my little sisters face right now, red with laughter), with a regular width but a little bit of stretch and a price tag of only $100!!  I put the shoes on and walked around the store for about a minute...they seemed good.  I paid a hefty price for both pairs of shoes, but at least now I have two pairs of shoes in my closet. 

I wore the new pair of my old shoes all weekend, and of course they were wonderful - but I already knew they would be!  I put on the cute little Hush Puppies and wore them for about ten minutes before finding out that the top of my right foot is rubbing and the shoes are leaving indents in my feet!!  I will break them in though because I will not be wearing my "practical" shoes all summer long!!


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