Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Is my life really that boring?

Well you could say that this whole weight loss thing has been a big fat flop!  I have officially lost half a pound since starting...though I guess if you count the three I went up and down twice and the half that I have officially lost, I would be at 6.5...so I guess it's not as bad as it seems!  I have figured out why I eat so much all the time - I'm BORED!!  I am sure that about 66 million other women can say that same thing and if you know me and my world you might wonder how in the world I can be bored considering I have anywhere between 2 - 7 minors in my house at a time (8 this morning because the bus got stuck in the snow for an hour on it's way to my house).  If you ever watched Jon & Kate Plus 8 you may know that my world looks like this everyday:

 (we'll take an average of 5 kids)

25 plates full of food

25 glasses of milk, juice or water

20 diapers

4 naps (thank God)

625 toys to step on or over (and then pick up)

25 hand and mouth wipes

15 nose blows

4 soother searches

4 missing sippy cups

5 crafts (with glue, glitter and crayons)

2 dishwashers to unload/load

5 kids to dress up to take outside

5 kids to undress to come inside

3 baths (now we are into the evening with just my little kids)

1 ornery teenager

3 bedtime stories

3 teeth brushings

1 very big house to clean up

1 very tired mom

Anyway, in all of this excitement I do not see one single human being over three feet tall!!!  Yes, I do talk to people on the phone each day, but that is not the same as actually seeing the face of a human adult and talking about things other than poo and spilled milk.  My husband works very long hours and usually does not come home until we are just finishing supper or even working on the bedtime routine.  I have made the choice to stay home with my children and to open my house as a day home, and in no way am I saying that I am not happy with my choices, however I am sure that even an inmate in a supermax prison would tell you that being in general population is better that solitary confinement!  I love my job as a stay-at-home mom (and I have done it the other way where I worked outside the house) and I wouldn't change it for anything right now, I just get a little bored talking to myself and find that food seems to fill that void.

I am still very tired and still hoping the doctor will call to tell me he will up my Synthroid dose!  I might have to start drinking coffee and see what all the buzz is about!  My friend told me yesterday that she went to the gym in the morning the other day...not sure if that meant 5:30 a.m. or 8:00 a.m., and for a second I thought that I could start going at 5:30 a.m. and then I remembered that I can't even pull myself out of bed to walk on my treadmill in my basement at that time...did I seriously think I could get into town to work out??  I think I have to just get on track with the eating issue first and think about working out later!  In regards to the eating thing though, I really want to just be able to look at the freshly baked muffins on my counter and say 'no, I think I will just have an apple instead' or bake cookies with with kids and only have one; how do all the skinny girls do it?? 

I have been drinking my iced tea too much lately too.  I am addicted to it, just like people are addicted to smoking, drinking or drugs...mine is Good Host Iced Tea!!  I even had to have a friend pick it up for me and bring me some because I had too many kids to go to the store!  I know it's not good for me, but I can't help it - I drink it when I am thristy, I drink it when I am stressed, I drink it sometimes cause it just tastes good!  Oh, there are so many things contributing to my weight issues...maybe I just need a whole bunch of money to get some liposuction instead!  Perhaps I could get a reality show like Kate Gosselin with my umpteen kids and have someone make me over too!!


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